Our Team

Dr. John Steinfort

Meet the driving force behind our transformative innovations – a distinguished Vet, designer, and Founder of Enduro Tags, John is dedicated to revolutionising livestock systems. Through his years of work on farm and through feedback from his clients he saw the need for a NLIS tag that performed better for the farmer and livestock. Committed to innovation and modernisation, John meticulously oversees the creation of our product range, which has now grown to over 15 ear tags and many more management tags.

Since establishing Steinfort Agvet in 1996, Dr. Steinfort has been at the helm of pioneering products, such as the Pelvic Lift & RiserTank, designed for the humane and effective management of Downer Cows. Enduro Tags, a distinctive livestock tag system, excels in visibility, retention, and offers a range of electronic tags with triple transponder protection mechanisms for various livestock species.

John's most recent innovation is the Sheep Freeze Brand (SFB) – a profound advancement for the wool industry. This unique process provides wool growers with a humane alternative for handling breeched sheep, significantly reducing reliance on chemicals and contributing to substantial ethical animal welfare benefits. You can find out more at www.steinfortagvet.com.au